
Inspiring, INCLUSIVE,


We believe in the value of an inclusive community using its privileges to uplift others. With our personal development programs we empower and inspire each other to grow sustainably. We raise awareness to create a trendsetting work culture promoting gender equality, diversity and new work. 


WOMENTOR was founded in 2019 as a social business and is an established player in the Austrian diversity & inclusion landscape. The company, which has been awarded the 'Verified Social Enterprise' label, is committed to diversity and fair participation in the world of work.

In addition to a professional mentoring program with a community of over 1,200 people, programs are offered to support female founders in particular, as well as a focus on applied research and awareness-raising. Guided by the mantra 'Fix the system, not the women', companies are supported in creating a more diverse and inclusive corporate culture.

The problem:

Austria has made tremendous backwards steps within the past years, resulting to the rank #47 in the global gender gap report. It will take us another 131 (!) years until we reach equity.

Systemic inequality is a deeply routed, complex societal challenge which requires inter-connected solutions. We don’t believe it is women who need to change, but rather we  recognize a need for transformation within our society, in order to fight systemic inequality.

The long term impact of Gender Inequality is women remaining below their potential, resulting in lower incomes and ultimately poverty upon retirement. These issues have been defined as ‘Gender Inequality’ by the United Nations and ranked as priority #5 among their 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Since 2019, we believe: Empowering empowers.

We therefore aim to create social impact with our personal development programs especially targeting female read women.

If you are a company interested in consulting services for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, please visit our founder’s DEI consulting website.

our impact

our impact —

WOMENTOR impact logic 2019-203

Impact logic by Phineo (2019)

Our first impact report will be released soon. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the report as soon as it is released!

Our impact logic from output to societal impact: Empowered women in seven steps.

our values

our values —

Inspire to







Everyone, regardless of their gender & background, has access to knowhow, network & guidance to live their full potential and contribute at their best to a more sustainable & equal society.

Spring 2023 Kick-off © Vanessa Kollinger, Cosima Community

WoMentor 2020 © Jana Mack

© Nicole Viktorik, Impact Hub Vienna